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Finally, thank you for taking the time to read about our journey and to see what I do. If you have had a similar experience, then I hope you continue to move forward and take strength in whatever lies ahead. There are things in life that make no sense but there are also some pretty cool things to look out for too - You can never change the wind but you can always readjust your sails.


Take care,



If you are interested in a personalised Free Spirit sketch, please follow the details below. Or if you would like to just say hello or comment on the website, then feel free also.


Since the start of this journey we have been supported by some wonderful organisations. Two charities in particular have been SANDS and BEARS OF HOPE .

Until the end of 2018 the cost of each sketch was $250 Australian Dollars (inc. GST) with a donation of 20% from each sketch donated to SANDS  and 20% to BEARS OF HOPE.


With the new year of 2019,  I have decided on a new approach...

The sketches will now be done on a 'pay it forward' concept. I will not be charging for the sketch, but instead ask that the recipient donate a sum of their choosing to a charity. While I would prefer the donation be to SANDS or BEARS OF HOPE, it is really up to you.


OK, the details of the sketch: 

  • Each sketch is 28cm x 36cm in size and is drawn using soft graphite on a toned tan quality paper.

  • The sketch will arrive unframed and every effort will be made to protect it from damage in the post.

  • Included with each sketch will be a USB containing a high resolution scanned image that can be used for reprographic purposes.

  • I like to work on only one sketch at a time and as a result they will take approximately 6 weeks from order to completion, although this may vary depending on demand.

  • Full copyright of the sketch is given to the parent of the child.

  • Shipping is worldwide




Please use the Contact Form and the internet fairies will guide you through. I will contact you via email and talk to you about your sketch and request any photos that you would like me to use.

​I will keep in correspondence with you throughout the process and let you know the expected waiting time, when I make a start and when the sketch is completed. Once you are happy I will post the completed sketch directly to you.


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© 2017 Free Spirits by Glenn

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